A pack of documents is a number of documents that are displayed together on the Workspace. As the icon suggests, this is like clipping or stapling some documents together.


You can create a pack of documents by clicking on an unlinked document with the right mouse button (Command+Click on Mac), and selecting Link Document on the menu. DOKKA will open a window. To link documents, simply drag them from the general workspace to the Linking window. To remove them, just drag them out. If you remove all of the documents the linking will disappear.

You can also unlink documents by clicking on a documents pack with the right mouse button , and selecting Unlink Documents on the menu.

You can name the document pack in the box above the documents. Everything you write here is also searchable. You will be able to see name of the pack by hovering over it.


You can see an open lock icon on the top part of the right window. The document pack can be locked by clicking on this icon, which will make these documents uneditable - meaning that you won't be able to modify the pages themselves or their financial details or delete them.

When uploading multiple documents via a single email message, an automatic document pack is created the subject of the email message becomes the name of the group. This package can be edited easily, as we explained above (you can read more about it in the document upload guide).